Hypnosis Recordings for Change

Hypnotic recorded audio sessions
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Our professional hypnotic recordings are for those who want a quick immediate solution but do not have the time or resources to book a full session or coaching programme.

The recordings take you into a trance/hypnotic state and deliver new programming directly to your subconscious with the command to run these in place of the old destructive ones. This results in new desired habits being formed.

Recordings are listened to for 21 days consecutively at least once a day.




This is for you if you don’t have the time or resources for a full session. This hypnotic audio will leave you remembering that you are enough and always have been. It will help you rewire negative thought patterns into positive ones so you are reminded that you are worthy.

I Am Enough Audio
Motivation Audio

Motivation Mentor


If you feel like you have lost your drive and need a bit of a kick up the you-know-what, this recording is for you! It will instil new habits of thought to drive you to take action each and every day until this becomes your new habit.

Escaping Nicotine



Tried to ‘give up’ numerous times and failed? Tried various different methods and still not succeeded? This recording helps you give up using a method quite different from willpower. It helps by using your subconscious mind to understand that rather than giving up anything,  you are gaining something back.

Finally get rid of nicotine for good!

Escaping Nicotine Audio